OPT OUT of Allowing Marijuana Retail Stores or Consumption sites in the Town of North Hempstead, Sign Petition by 12.31.2021

Our Town needs to prioritize the health of our community members vulnerable to cannabis use disorders due to their age (under 25), anxiety, and attention deficit disorder. Our communities already face risks from alcohol, nicotine vaping, and access to prescription and counterfeit drugs. We recognize the need for education and the ability to test driver impairment after marijuana use, which puts every other vehicular passenger and pedestrian at increased risk from consumers who would purchase marijuana at Town of North Hempstead retail or consumption sites, use it and drive.
 The life, health, and safety of our North Hempstead residents are worth more than the promised tax revenue from marijuana sales. The undersigned North Hempstead residents urge the Town Board to OPT-OUT of New York's Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act.

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