Sparing the lives of Bill and Lou the 2 oxen of Green Mountain College

Bill and Lou the 2 oxen toiled the grounds of Green Mountain College in Springfield, Vermont for the past 10 years as slave laborers. Now that they are old and ailing the college collectively along with the student body decided to place them on the college menu as hamburger instead of freeing them to a animal sanctuary. Vine Sanctuary headed by Miriam Jones wants to have Bill and Lou to live out their retirement years at Vine for FREE. Vine is providing the transportation, vet bills, as well as everything else for Bill and Lou. By the end of this month they are slated to be murdered. This is a time sensitive issue and calls need to be made to the school at 1-800-7966675  also email: the president   email the provost   email the farm managers  &   and   I have written, called them along with petition and letters to the editor. This current one CARE2 I just received today. Please calls and emails need to be sent out ASAP.  Bill and Lou their lives depend on all

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