Awareness On Animal Abuse Laws

Throughout the states it is a well known fact that animals lack the laws us human beings have! Each state has differnt penaillites for animal abuse but none really make a huge difference. Dog fighters in one state may get a week in jail, and in another get community service. Killing puppies by drowning them in one state is a small time in jail and in another is a fine or 1,000$.
I am well educated on the lack of rights of animals, that it isn't considered murder if you kill a German Shepard but is if you kill your neighbor. I know it would take a huge change to, well change that. But there is no reason why people should be allowed to shoot a dog and walk away free to do it again.
This petition is general, which is why I am looking for alot of signatures. A copy of this will be sent to each state official along with a letter I will be writing up! i have done two other like this and for 5,000 signatures each and was offered to come talk to those state officials so you can think this may not make a difference, I know it will!
A signature means you care for what animals go through and you wont stand for it anymore, its saying you want to be a voice for the voiceless!
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