3 Dogs Tied to Railroad Tracks, 2 Die by Collision

Certainly this must have been caught by security cameras at the railroad & we hope the police are investigating. This type of cruelty can not be overlooked; in articles, it states that the act may have been recorded by some sicko.

We want justice and we want answers.

CLEVELAND (AP) — Cleveland authorities say three dogs have been tied to railroad tracks, and two of them have died after they were hit by a train.

The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer (http://bit.ly/No9aTK ) reports that it happened last week in the city's Tremont neighborhood. A third small dog that hunched down when the train came managed to survive.

A bridge monitor found the little dog Friday night and called police. The worker says he witnessed from a distance the dog being tied to the tracks and someone appearing to take photographs or video of it.

By the time the railroad worker got to the dog, the train had passed and the man was gone. The bodies of the other dogs were found in the same secluded stretch of tracks.

Information from: The Plain Dealer, http://www.cleveland.com

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