Changing Osceola County Animal Shelter Euthanasia Policies

We would like Osceola County Animal Services to make 2 important changes to their animal euthanasia policy at their shelter.

These changes are:

1. The shelter must wait a minimum of 7 days before they euthanize an animal. 2.Before an animal is euthanized the shelter must contact the former owner or person(s) that turned the animal into the shelter and inform them that the animal will be euthanized and give them a chance to recover the animal if they wish to do so.

We believe that these changes will benefit both the shelter and the animals in it's care. Many people who turn animals into a shelter do so under duress or stressful circumstances. Having a 7 day waiting period and contacting them before euthanasia occurs gives the former owner a chance to digest the situation and possibly change their minds.

Currently without either one of these policies in place the Osceola County Animal Shelter can euthanize an animal the day after it is turned into the shelter.

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