Stop Plastic Pollution From Killing Ocean Animals

  • av: Tom
  • mottagare: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The plastic you see and use every day is killing endangered birds, sea turtles and seals by the hundreds of thousands. Every year animals get tangled up in plastic, or eat it, with fatal consequences.

Plastic makes up 60 percent to 80 percent of ocean debris; there are 3 million tons of it in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. In parts of the ocean this means there is six times more plastic than plankton, the base of the marine food web. The same durability we value in plastic makes it a persistent pollutant.

Plastic doesn't belong in our oceans; it doesn't belong in the diet of baby sea birds like this Laysan albatross chick; and it doesn't belong wrapped around endangered seals.

Please sign the petition asking the Environmental Protection Agency to curb plastic pollution on our beaches and in our oceans.

Sign also the petition here:

Deadline is December 31, 2012.

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