Welfare adjustment

Here is my issue, there are millions of people on welfare who are unproductive citizens.  People who are drug dealers until they get their first felony, Drug addicts, Criminals, people who dont want to put anything into our great country, people who are just plain lazy.

My petition is that to be on the full across the board united states welfare system;  housing, utilites, food, and petty cash, free healthcare.  One would have to submit to bi monthly random same day drug test where the welfare agent just shows up one day and does a urine test & upon probable cause take a hair follical test.  Set up a 3 strike rule where if they fail three drug tests their welfare is cut off and if they have kids they are to go with a family member who isnt a drug addict or if none are available put into foster care.  After the first failed test the welfare recepient would have the option to go to rehab, after the second failed test it would be manditory to go to rehab or your cut off, after the third failed test you are cut off for good.  Now what does this solve?  It creates more jobs and will get all the hard adict unproductive who are drug addicts off of our welfare system.  It will also prevent future violence, and i'm a realist it will cut gang members and violence greatly because the gangs recruit these drug addicts kids.

Now for the second part of the petition to be on the full across the board welfare system.  If one is on welfare it is mandatory to do community service for your local municapilty.  Minimum 30 hours a week.  Even someone who is in a wheelchair can hold a slow down sign while people are picking garbage up off the streets, be a crossing guard at a camera enforced intersection for kids etc.....  What will this do for our system it will get the lazy generational people off of the welfare system.  And the less people on welfare the less taken out of our hard earned paychecks.  The point of welfare is to be a stepping stone for down on their luck people, or people born into unfortunate circumstances.  It was not designed to support four generations, of the smith, jones, martinez, or garcia family tree.

Sorry if i don't use the best english it never was my best subject.


Uppdatera #19 år sedan
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