Stop Murdering Mountain Lions!

  • av: Eric Rardin
  • mottagare: Kelly Hepler; Department Secretary of the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Agency

Only about 300 mountain lions remain in South Dakota, but licenses are issued to kill up to 60 of them!

Add your name if you want to stop murdering mountain lions for sport, NOW!

The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks issued a report in 2019 estimating that only about 300 mountain lions remain in the state, split between two small groups in the Black Hills region near the Wyoming border, and a prairie region near the border with Nebraska.

It is believed that the last mountain lion was extirpated from South Dakota in 1906, and the population has steadily recovered since then, descended from migratory lions that moved in from neighboring regions.

But just as this precious, majestic species is returning to its former range, hunters want to murder them.

Hunters are allowed to kill up to 60 adults, or up to 40 adult females, whichever happens first.

60 adults is about 20% of the estimated population. Isn't that outrageous?!

Killing wild animals is not fun.

Shooting a creature from as far away as possible with a high-powered rifle is in no way sporting. It's completely unfair, and cowardly.

Don't you want to stop this heartless, unnecessary practice of murdering mountain lions?

Then add your name to demand that Kelly Hepler; Department Secretary of the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Agency; stop issuing permits to the hunters that murder these precious mountain lions!

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