Change the law in United States that categorizes animals as personal property!

This inflexible approach to companion animals fails to distinguish between personal property such as a chair and a beloved pet.It is so important that animals gain a higher legal status in our society so that they can be given more legal protection and are less likely to be abused.This law allows abusers to injure/kill their pets without any repercussions.A Pet should not be a personal property but should be valued as a  living creature from our Creator that feels emotions,pain,love,joy,abandonment,sadness,loyalty and much more and would give his life for us.He goes to war for us as a soldier,protect us as a police officer, protect us against all assailants, help us overcome the struggle of disabilities, guides us in the darkness, saves us from calamities, is our best friend, absolutely the most loyal unselfish friend a man may have  and is ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for us just for a little love. Dogs and pets are our angels on earth!

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated

"Mahatma Gandhi"

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