Please!! Save Our Polar Bears!! They Are On The Edge Of Extinction!!

  • av: Maryanne Bakun
  • mottagare: United Nations Environmental Protection Agency,

Two-thirds of the world's polar bears could disappear by 2050 as global warming continues to melt the Arctic's sea ice, according to a series of U.S. government studies. It has been proven that Greenhouse Gases cause global warming. The new findings paint a sobering picture for polar bears, whose dependence on sea ice makes them particularly vulnerable to warming temperatures. Hopes of long-term polar bear survival hinge on humans taking action NOW!! We Must Decrease Human Emissions Causing Greenhouse Gases!!

The United Nations must implement vigorous rules and regulations to stop pollution worlwide!! Countries must be punshed by boycotting and imposing immense fines!! Time Is Running Out Before The Polar Bear Becomes Extinct!! You Must Act Now!!!

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