Indian Railways to Reduce Train Speed, Stop Killing Elephants!

  • av: Pornchada Vanich
  • mottagare: India's Railway Minister, Mallikarjun Kharge & Chairman of Indian Railways Board, Arunendra Kumar

On Wednesday13 November a train ploughed into a herd of 40 elephants in Gorumara National Park in India, killing seven, including two calves, and seriously injured ten other elephants. The speed limit is 30 km/h for sensitive areas such as national parks, but it was running at 80 km/h.

Dear Sirs, You have to seriously enforce the speed rule. Too many elephants have died unnecessary deaths.

To The Honorable Railway Minister of India, Mr Mallikarjun Kharge &

    The Chairman of Indian Railways Board, Mr Arunendra Kumar

On Wednesday13 November a train ploughed into a herd of 40 elephants in Gorumara National Park in India, killing seven, including two calves, and seriously injured ten other elephants. The speed limit is 30 km/h for sensitive areas such as national parks, but it was running at 80 km/h.

Dear Sirs, You have to seriously enforce the speed rule. Too many elephants have died unnecessary deaths. You must realize that there are many alternatives to deal with this situation, and we will leave it to your good judgement to find the best way. However, in the meantime, the easiest, most effective immediate measure is to reduce the train speed.

We have gathered, in this petition, 929 signatures whose names are attached. We hope with all our hearts that you will take immediate action to prevent such unnecessary lost of elephant iives.

Yours sincerely

Pornchada Vanich

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