Change DLK's Parking!

Well, if anything can be done let's find out.

DLK does anything to take our money, we all know that, but their towing system is the most unprofessional system I've ever seen. The "cash only" protocol is sketchy, the one-man business is sketchy, the fact there is no way to contact this man on the internet is sketchy...He says he hasn't been to lots in 6 years, then magically shows up one day and takes your car and makes you more poor than you already are.

At least give us the weekend to park for free.

If my mom and dad want to spend the night, they shouldn't have to pay to park in a parking lot they are already helping me pay rent with. If I start to drink, I shouldn't be punished if I decide to keepy my car parked and not drive drunk. If friends from out of town want to visit, they shouldn't be woken up in the morning to no car.

It's gotten a little ridiculous. I just want to slumbie with my friends and not have to worry about paying $157 the next morning (because I didn't want to drive drunk).

So, let's sign this bad boy and see if something can be done, or at least make an impression to DLK.

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