Save Penguins from Extinction

13 out of 18 species of penguin are threatened or endangered and all are in steady decline and face extinction. While there are a number of factors responsible, overfishing is one of them.

Penguins, whales, seals, albatrosses and petrels depend on krill as a food source; but the population of krill, a tiny crustacean, is in danger from the growing demand for health supplements and food for fish farms. Most krill fished are used as fish-farm feed and to produce Omega 3 oil and other health supplements.

If pengiuns are to survive a possible extinction, they must have an available food source. We ask Aker BioMarine to put a moritorium on krill fishing and give pengiun populations time to recover.

Aker BioMarine

Chief Executive Officer, Helge Midttun

Nostegaten 58
Bergen, Hordaland 5011
Phone: 47 55 96 70 00
Fax: 47 55 32 11 15

Aker BioMarine ASA
Fjordallèen 16
P.o.Box 1423 Vika
0115 Oslo
Phone: +47 24 13 00 00

Fax: +47 24 13 01 10

13 out of 18 species of penguin are threatened or endangered and all are in steady decline and face extinction. While there are a number of factors responsible, overfishing is one of them.

Penguins, whales, seals, albatrosses and petrels depend on krill as a food source; but the population of krill, a tiny crustacean, is in danger from the growing demand for health supplements and food for fish farms. Most krill fished are used as fish-farm feed and to produce Omega 3 oil and other health supplements.

If pengiuns are to survive a possible extinction, they must have an available food source. We ask Aker BioMarine to put a moritorium on krill fishing and give pengiun populations time to recover.

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