Tell Florida schools to get rid of right-wing PragerU curriculum

  • av: Left Action
  • mottagare: Florida Schools and Education officials

The Florida Board of Education is at it again – after approving new curriculum in Florida schools that promotes the ways in which slaves "benefited" from slavery, they are now approving the use of videos from right-wing group PragerU: 

Florida schools have approved the use of "supplemental curriculum" created by PragerU, an unaccredited right-wing advocacy group that seeks to offer an alternative to "dominant left-wing ideologies," in classrooms days after the state Department of Education approved new, controversial academic standards for Black history curriculum. (Source: USA Today)

PragerU videos are filled with disinformation, hateful rhetoric, and right-wing extremism. They should not be shown in schools – and the Florida Board of Education needs to stop trying to rewrite history! 

Sign your name: Tell Florida schools to get rid of right-wing PragerU curriculum.

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