Innocent children in detention: you can help!

Hundreds of children are being kept in Australian detention centers way beyond the normal detention period. It is normal to detain them for their own health and safety, but leaving them languishing to the point of mental illness and self harm is downright scandalous.  

Innocent children, who should be carefree and untroubled, are showing signs of extreme anxiety.

The Australia's Human Rights Commission has launched a national inquiry into children in detention, following concerns about the health and wellbeing  of the unprecedented' numbers of children living in detention.

Compounding the issue, the department of immigration is not co-operating. The commission had only had ''minimal co-operation (from the immigration department) in relation to the kinds of details that they need to know, particularly around mental health and self harm, and the processes for assessing those that are transferred.

The system is broken!, and they do not want to admit it.

No child deserves to be locked up purely for the sake of mean-spirited politics.

Help bring this to an end now, demand that the children get the care that they need, and do not get jailed like criminals. The government has turned their back on these children, they are an inconvenience which they want kept quiet. Do not turn your back on these children.

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