Netflix: We Want A Programme That Raises Awareness of the UK Badger Cull!

Since 2013, over 100,000 badgers have been culled - the polite term for massacred, shot to death - in the UK in the name of "protecting" cattle from bTB. Some of these badgers may not have even been killed outright, despite the rules. This culling happens in particular zones throughout the UK, and is conducted by shooting badgers. In the past, it was done by gassing them in their setts.
This is done in the name of "protecting" farmers' cattle and profits. However, there is now a vaccine.
Badger culling is ineffective, according to science. Both independent experts and the Government's own research indicates that the culling of badgers is not an effective strategy against bTB. As if it wasn't pointless and ineffective enough, the Government now want to kill badgers in vaccination zones, including those who have been vaccinated!
The Netflix docuseries "Tiger King" brought the issue of private big cat "ownership" in the USA to light and led to the passing of the Big Cat Public Safety Act, banning the private "ownership" of big cats like lions and tigers in the USA.
If Netflix were to produce a documentary, or docuseries about the UK badger culling, maybe this could be brought even more into the public eye, and into the eyes of viewers worldwide, and perhaps result in an end to this ridiculous cruelty? We would watch and/or promote such a documentary (or series), if we knew about it!

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