Demand Biden end US sanctions to stop starving Afghan babies!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: The Biden Administration

Since January, 13,000 Afghan babies have starved to death as draconian US sanctions cripple the Afghan economy and leave the country without a functioning central bank. 95% of the country does not have sufficient access to food because of the currency crisis, and Human Rights Watch warns that "time is running out."

Humanitarian groups cannot even do their jobs properly, because the US sanctions are scaring off international banks from allowing aid groups to transfer funds into the country, while currency shortages are forcing Afghan banks to limit withdrawal — largely because the country's foreign currency reserves are being held by the US government, to whom the money does not belong.

While the world's eyes are understandably focused on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States is quietly starving an entire country. While nobody is thrilled at the idea of legitimizing the Taliban, we have to come to terms with reality and take decisive action to keep thousands more children from dying.

Add your name to tell the Biden team to drop the sanctions and allow aid groups to keep thousands of Afghans from starving to death!

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