Ban Sow Crates in the United States

  • av: Judith B.
  • mottagare: United States Congress

When McDonalds decides a practice is unacceptable on animal welfare grounds, you know something is very wrong.

This is exactly what has happened with regards sow crates, in which pregnant pigs are locked in metal cages so small that they cannot turn around and can barely manage to lie down. Some are kept in these things for their entire lives.

Although the practice is now illegal in the EU, apart from a highly specific period, and is being phased out in New Zealand and Australia (with full industry support), it is still completely legal in the USA. If they wish, American pig farmers can keep animals as social and intelligent as dogs crammed into metal crates until they die.

Even the food industry objects, with 40 major companies demanding their suppliers become sow crate-free.

The American pig industry doesn’t like this one little bit, but they should not be dictating animal welfare standards.

It is time for a ban. Tell the US government to end the brutality of sow crates once and for all.

We the undersigned ask that you introduce legislation to phase out the use of sow crates in pig farming. This practice is immensely cruel and consumers don’t want pork produced in such a manner. The catering industry does not either, with about 40 major companies, including the likes of McDonalds and Burger King insisting that their suppliers discontinue the practice.

The European Union, Australia and New Zealand have all made arrangements to improve welfare standards by ending or substantially reducing the use of gestation crates. The United States should be taking the lead, not lagging behind, and we ask that you take steps to catch up with the rest of the developed world.

Thank you for your attention.

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