Help get my dogs back. This is animal cruelty that they took 13 of my dogs!!

The judge ordered to take 13 of my wonderful full-blooded heelers (Australian Cattle Dogs), whom I've had everyone of since they were babies. Some of them were 5 yrs old and older. Please sign my petition and help me get them back. These dogs are my life...they are not my whole life, but they make my life whole. I miss them so very bad and I know they are grieving as well being away from me. I cry on a daily basis looking at their empty dog houses. We were dealt a bad deal. These dogs were all healthy and well taken care can give you records of that ! Please sign my petition. My dogs need to come back to me..they know nobody but me and my husband. This all occurred b/c of some people on this hollar (in the country), said they bark too much.? Please help me by signing. Thank you. Evelyn
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