Support the Life-Saving Work of Animal Rescue Corps

In an estimated 15,000 puppy mills in the U.S., millions of dogs, are kept in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions without sufficient food, water or vet care. They are forced to live in small wire cages, exposed to extreme heat and cold, high levels of ammonia and other harsh conditions.

These "facilities" produce 4 million dogs a year -- nearly the same number put to death each year in the U.S. -- and provide nearly 100% of the puppies sold in pet stores, often suffering with genetic disorders and diseases.

Animal Rescue Corps' mission is to end animal suffering through direct and compassionate action. Puppy mills abuse and exploit animals in the pursuit of profit, and dismantling them is a primary focus of Animal Rescue Corps. Support the life-saving work of Animal Rescue Corps.

To see Animal Rescue Corps in action, please watch the inspiring video at left.
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