Prevent Elephants from being Killed by Trains

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: India Minister of Environment and Forests, Sri Jairam Ramesh

Since 2010, as many as 49 elephants have been killed on train tracks according to The Times of India.

The lastest death occured inside the Buxa Tiger Reserve, a migration corridor elephants use between India and Bhutan.

There are several thing the railways could do to prevent these needless deaths. They could halt movement of night trains passing through elephant corridors, wildlife sanctuaries and National Parks, construct elevated tracks and underpasses, as well as a restricted speed limit.

We ask India to take immediate action to stop these needless deaths of elephants being struck by trains.



Sri Jairam Ramesh
Honorable Minister
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Paryavaran Bhavan,CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Phone: 91-11-24361727
Fax: 91-11-24362222


Since 2010, as many as 49 elephants have been killed on train tracks according to The Times of India.

The lastest death occured inside the Buxa Tiger Reserve, a migration corridor elephants use between India and Bhutan.

There are several thing the railways could do to prevent these needless deaths. They could halt movement of night trains passing through elephant corridors, wildlife sanctuaries and National Parks, construct elevated tracks and underpasses, as well as a restricted speed limit.

We ask India to take immediate action to stop these needless deaths of elephants being struck by trains.


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