Our Public Lands Are Under Attack

There is a war on for America's public lands, and at this point, it's not clear which side is going to win.

Special interests and legislators are working to tear down important legislation and profit off our public lands. They want to transfer public lands to the states, expand disastrous drilling, mining, and logging, and cut off funding for conservation. 

The lines have been drawn. The only question now is -- what are we going to do to stop this madness? 

Our success in this struggle depends on widespread public support. Your voice is crucial to send a message that we won't stand for anyone threatening the health and vitality of the public lands we all cherish. 

For 40 years, the Trust for Public Land has helped communities across the country protect the places they care about most. But we can't do it alone. 

Take action today and join the movement to protect our public lands. 
Signera petitionen
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