Protect the Wild Reindeer Herds


Wild populations of reindeer in North America remain only in Canada, Alaska, Washington and northern Idaho. Herds in north-eastern Alaska, north-western Canada and Central Arctic are potentially threatened by onshore petroleum exploration and development, which displaces calving and leads to increased calf mortality.

In Europe, wild populations have a fragmented distribution in Norway, Finland and Russia. Poaching is a major threat in the Russian Federation. Reindeer may also be threatened by loss of habitat in Finland and increased disturbance in some areas due to winter sports.

We ask that you set up an Artic nature reserve where poaching and oil drilling are banned.

President Barack Obama
The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500
comments (202) 456-1111
switchboard (202) 456-1414
fax (202) 456-2461



Wild populations of reindeer in North America remain only in Canada, Alaska, Washington and northern Idaho. Herds in north-eastern Alaska, north-western Canada and Central Arctic are potentially threatened by onshore petroleum exploration and development, which displaces calving and leads to increased calf mortality.

In Europe, wild populations have a fragmented distribution in Norway, Finland and Russia. Poaching is a major threat in the Russian Federation. Reindeer may also be threatened by loss of habitat in Finland and increased disturbance in some areas due to winter sports.

We ask that you set up an Artic nature reserve where poaching and oil drilling are banned.

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