Give Autistic Girl Her Best Friend Back - Save Darla the Dog from BSL!

  • av: Emily L.
  • mottagare: Lancashire Police

When police came to take Darla the dog away from Maddison, a 7-year-old girl with autism and ADHD, Maddison hid in the bathroom to try to stop it. Police had a warrant that suspected Darla was a pitbull, and took her away despite the family saying the dog was nothing but calm and sweet.

Maddison's mother says Darla plays an important role in the well being of her daughter. This dog was taken away for no other reason than that police suspect she is a certain breed (though the family says she's a mix between a Shar-Pei and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier) and now this little girl has lost her best friend.

Please sign this petition demanding that police return Darla to her family immediately, and stop unnecessary seizures of dogs just because of their breed!

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