Bulgaria: Take a Stand for Endangered Birds

  • av: Jessica Ramos
  • mottagare: Rosen Plevneliev, President of Bulgaria; Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria

The European Commission is taking Bulgaria to court for failing to protect endangered birds in the Rila Mountains. The Commission argues that Bulgaria has failed to widen a special protected area enough to cover critical habitat for 17 endangered bird species. According to the European Commission, "Under the EU legislation on the conservation of wild birds (Directive 2009/147/EC), Member States are obliged to designate special protection areas for the conservation of species in danger of extinction, those vulnerable to specific changes in their habitat, or those considered rare or requiring particular attention." 

When you consider Bulgaria's apathy in the bigger picture of bird conservation in Europe, you'll quickly realize that it is a big deal. Data that was last updated in 2013 from Bird Life International shows that, over an 30-year period, 57 bird species out of 148 (or 39%) had declined across 25 European countries. Climate change and intensive farming keep driving these unprecedented declines of bird species in Europe. 

Sign and share this petition if you want Bulgaria to take a stand for endangered birds and to take bird conservation seriously.

Photo Credit: Francesco Veronesi

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