We, the undersigned, hereby call upon you to condemn the nation of Israel, and in particular, it's leader Ariel Sharon, for blatantly violating United Nations Resolutions 1402 which calls for the immediate "withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities, including Ramallah".
The Honorable President George W. Bush:

We, the undersigned, hereby call upon you to condemn the nation of Israel, and in particular, it's leader Ariel Sharon, for blatantly violating United Nations Resolutions 1402 which calls for the immediate "withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities, including Ramallah".

Once again, Israel has shown complete disregard for international law, having, for over 30 years violated United Nations Resolution 242, which clearly calls for "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict".

Additionally Isreal, in its current attacks on the people of the West Bank has blocked humanitarian and medical supplies from reaching the distressed and wounded. This includes firing live ammunition at aid workers to stop them from helping those in need. This has caused unnecessary suffering of innocent civilians, and represents collective punishment of the Palestinian people by the Isreali government.

All these actions are not only in violation of international laws and UN resolutions, but are clearly a form of state terrorism.

Mr. President, the war on terrorism must apply as equally to governments as to militant organizations, equally to allies as to enemies, equally to the powerful as to the dispossessed.

In the immortal words of Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
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