Tell Congress to Make Our Rights a Priority

In recent years, our personal liberties have suffered at the hands of the Bush administration and a Congress that has been afraid to stand up to the administration. As a new Congress begins, its time to set a new course for liberty and freedom.

Now that Congress has settled in after completing its "100 Hours Agenda," we must make it clear that we expect them to address issues critical to freedom-loving people. The important issues that must be addressed are:
  1. Restore habeas corpus and due process
  2. End torture in secret prisons
  3. Stop warrantless eavesdropping on innocent Americans
  4. Fix the Patriot Act and bring it in line with the Constitution
Take a stand for the Constitution and help restore the freedoms that were recently taken away. Tell Congress to protect freedom and the Constitution by resolving to make our liberties a priority in 2007!
To My Members of Congress:

It's the beginning of a new year, the beginning of a new Congress and time for us to look ahead at where we want our country to be a year from now.

In the coming year, I will ask you to take a number of steps to enhance freedom and fairness for everyone in America. This year, my New Year's resolutions include working with you to help:

1. Restore habeas corpus and due process
2. End torture in secret prisons
3. Stop warrantless eavesdropping on innocent Americans
4. Fix the Patriot Act and bring it in line with the Constitution

[Your comment]

I hope you'll make these resolutions a priority for 2007. By doing so, you and the Congress can reassert your Constitutional role as a check on the executive branch and ensure oversight of the president and the administration.

[Your name]
[Your address]
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