People with Diabetes Need Health Care Reform

There are nearly 24 million children and adults in our country who are living with diabetes and another 57 million have pre-diabetes. Lack of insurance and high health care costs are forcing many people to cut back on - or even go without - doctor visits, medications and diabetes supplies.

Our current health care system fails to ensure access to adequate and affordable health coverage, especially for those living with a chronic health condition like diabetes. Without adequate care, too many suffer needlessly from preventable and costly complications like amputation, blindness, heart and kidney disease.

The current health care system needs to be changed. Health care reform needs to ensure:
- People are not denied coverage because they have diabetes or required to pay higher premiums because of they have a chronic disease
- Health insurance covers basic diabetes needs
- Access to the tools to prevent diabetes
- An end to the racial and ethnic disparities in how diabetes affects Americans

This is the only way to change the future of diabetes in our country. Tell your members of Congress to adopt a health care system that works for people with chronic disease!
Dear [Decision Maker],

Nearly 24 million Americans currently have diabetes and another 57 million have pre-diabetes. Our current health care system fails to ensure access to health coverage, especially for those living with a chronic health condition like diabetes.

Without adequate care, too many suffer needlessly from preventable life-limiting or life-threatening complications and require more expensive care later.

I urge you to adopt a health care system that reduces the burden of diabetes by taking action to prevent chronic disease as well as provide health care coverage that is accessible, adequate and affordable for all. Health reform should allow for access to important preventative services, end exclusions based on pre-existing conditions, stop ratings based on disease status, ensure that health insurance covers basic diabetes needs and address racial and ethnic disparities in how diabetes affects Americans.

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Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.
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