Demand Justice for Strushie the Cat

  • av: Penni B
  • mottagare: Miami-Dade County Officials

Strushie the Cat lived at the Franklin Hotel in Miami, and was loved by many hotel patrons and staff. There was one exception, however. One of the clerks of the hotel apparently not only felt Strushie was a nuisance, but believed vigilante 'justice' was necessary. (The information out now from another petition concerning Strushie and informants is that the new hotel management hated the cats and may have been complicit in this heinous crime. They had signed an agreement to let the cats reside in the hotel property, since the original owner loved the cats and did not want them harmed.

He hunted and then killed Strushie with a bow and arrow. Then he tried to cover up his crime by erasing the surveillance tapes. Law enforcement was able to recover the footage, and now the clerk has been charged with animal cruelty and tampering with evidence.

Please sign this petition to demand that Strushie's killer be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Uppdatera #56 år sedan
The shooter has been deported to Greece, though he did not want to be, by ICE. There is more information on the Justice for Strushie page: I have not received further updates on the other cats, as I was on vacation. Any further information would be greatly appreciated.
Uppdatera #46 år sedan
A local, private animal rescue agency has been trying to adopt out Strushie's remaining family,but only one male has been adopted. There are 7-8 more to be adopted. An update with the agency's name will be added if Care2 Members show interest. Thank you all who have or will sign this petition. It will be updated with the rescue agency's info as soon as possible.
Uppdatera #36 år sedan
The city of Miami has declared Wednesday, July 26, Justice for Strushie Day. If you are in South Florida and are able, please come.
Uppdatera #26 år sedan
If you are in the Miami area, please help honor Strushie's memory by attending the Strushie Proclamation at the Miami Beach City Hall.
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
The reward for more information about the shooting of Strushie the cat has grown to $26,000. Local business owners, Steven Sawick of Joe's Stone Crab, Mitch Novick of Sherbrooke All Suites Hotel and have pitched in, respectively, $2000, and $1000, adding to the original fundraiser amount of $20,000 that former hotel owner Elenore Todaro started. Humane organizations pitched in another $3000.
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