STOP the Killing of Mute Swans in Toronto,Canada

  • av: Mona Matteo
  • mottagare: Federal Minister of Environment, Honourable Catherine McKenna and Environment Canada's Canadian Wildlife Service.

Revised, February 15, 2014

In 1967, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, gifted Canada with six pairs of Mute swans in celebration of Canada's 100th birthday.

Today, Her Majesty's gift is no longer accepted in CANADA. Mute swans are being killed off in Toronto, Canada. Mute swans will be gone forever! We must act now, tomorrow will be too late.

In 2005 a 3-2 vote in the United States of America labelled Mute swans an INVASIVE species without scientific evidence. Canada mirrored the United States like they did with the aboriginal residential schools years ago. Acts of cruelty by an elected few back then, who were allowed to do this without protest or accountability.

In 2011, it came to attention of residents at Harbourfront,Toronto that Mute swans were being killed off. The Canadian Wildlife Service, an agency of the Federal Government, had been issuing permits to the Toronto Conservation Authority to destroy mute swan nests and eggs.The mute swan experts in Ontario and in the United States claim that mute swans are non-native to North America (2) The mute swan disrupt native waterfowl and are a danger to humans. There is no scientific evidence to back up these allegations.

The mute swan is a positive and life promoting addition to the habitat of the lower great lakes region.

Mute swans do not migrate like the trumpeter and look-a-like tundra swans who are being slaughtered for recreation.

The non-profit tax subsidized waterfowl organizations that take donations from a public who is unaware that mute swans are being slaughtered.The public entrusts and donates its hard earned tax dollars to waterfowl organizations unaware that they are slaughtering swans.

This persecution of mute swans must stop!

The laws protecting migratory birds require an ammendment. What is needed is that  the public become more informed and demand  a cancellation of permits granted to Toronto's Conservation Authorities immediately.

We need an absolute halt to the killing of Mute Swans.

Tell Environment Minister Aglukkaq to STOP the killing of Mute Swans.

Be the VOICE for Mute Swans. There is power in your Signature. 

Thank you.

Mona Matteo

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