Tell Rudy Giuliani - He Owes the President (and America) an Apology

On Feb. 18, former New York City Mayor and frequent conservative pundit questioned President Barack Obama’s patriotism, saying:

"I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America -- He doesn't love you. And he doesn't love me. He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Being un-American is a common charge from conservative talking heads like Giuliani, and it’s a dangerous one.

By questioning the President’s patriotism, Giuliani has insulted millions of Americans who agree with the President’s efforts to promote equality, protect the environment, improve access to life-saving health care, and expand opportunity for all Americans.

Let’s show Giuliani that America is a diverse place, and so are the views of the people who live here. Sign the petition now to let him know that you love America and think the President does too.

Mr. Giuliani,

America is a diverse place, and so are the views of the people who live here. Simply because someone does not share your worldview, does not mean they are not patriotic.

By questioning President Obama's patriotism, you have insulted millions of Americans like me who agree with the President’s efforts to promote equality, protect the environment, improve access to life-saving health care, and expand opportunity for all Americans.

[Your comments here]

I believe that the President loves America, and I do too. I sincerely hope you will apologize.

[Your name]
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