We Need Ocean-Powered Climate Solutions

To protect our ocean, we need to tackle its single biggest threat: climate change.

The ocean can be a source for solutions for the climate crisis. Ocean-based climate solutions, like offshore wind, could contribute as much as one-fifth of the annual greenhouse gas emission cuts needed to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

That's why Ocean Conservancy is calling for our ocean to be a source of only clean energy by 2050.

We need your help to ensure the ocean is the home of climate solutions, not polluting fossil fuel industries who put our ocean, and all those who depend on it, at risk. One way we can work toward this future is to call on our elected officials to make the United States a leader in responsibly developed offshore wind. If done right, offshore wind energy in the U.S. can help mitigate the climate crisis by preventing millions of metric tons of CO2 emissions and inject $12 billion in annual capital investments along both coasts while creating thousands of good American jobs.

We're in danger of losing what makes the ocean such an important and special place to so many of us. We must act now to combat climate change. 

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