Repower, Refuel and Rebuild America

  • av: Sierra Club
  • mottagare: President-Elect Barack Obama
After years of inaction from the Bush Administration, we finally have an opportunity to work together towards a clean energy future. Sign this petition today to President Obama to ask him to support critical energy priorities.

Dear President Obama,

It's time to Repower, Refuel, and Rebuild America.

We need to get our economy moving by building a clean energy future. We applaud your efforts to make energy a top priority, and urge you to adopt these goals:

* Move to 100% electricity from clean sources such as wind and solar
* Cut our dependence on oil in half
* Create 5 million new clean energy jobs Reduce global warming pollution by at least 80%
We call on you to announce a plan that will reach these goals, and to utilize the federal budget and any economic recovery package to get us started.
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