Tell Congress: No MORE bailouts for factory farmers!

Factory farms across the country have been killing millions of "surplus" farmed animals due to the lack of the safety they provide their own workers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Now, these giant companies are asking for EVEN MORE federal handouts.

The National Pork Producers Council demanded our government hand over $1.6 billion in tax money... and foot us with the bill to slaughter and dump millions of pigs in landfills.

Now Big Ag has upped its demand: it wants BILLIONS more of your money.

Factory farms abuse animals, exploit workers, and pollute the water and air. We should be doing everything we can to end this cruelty — not handing over limited taxpayer dollars to prop these greedy agribusinesses up.

Join Full Circle Farm Sanctuary today and send the message loud and clear:  No MORE bailouts for factory farmers!
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