Join the fight for disability rights

Many of the world's one billion people with disabilities face daily discrimination and the denial of their basic human rights.

For some, it means missing out on education. For some, it means they're unable to vote, work or access health care. For some, it means being cast out by their families, or kept locked away at home. And for some it means being injured or killed because of beliefs that they're cursed, or that their limbs can bring good luck.

It's unacceptable that this is happening to anyone today, in 2019. But if enough of us raise our voices to call out this injustice and demand change, we can make it happen.

No child should be denied their right to go to school. No young person should have their self-esteem destroyed by being told their disability is a curse. No adult should have their democratic right to vote taken from them.

Together, we can make a difference.

Take action now: join the fight for disability rights and call on the Irish government, in its global development work and its role as a member state of the United Nations, to uphold the rights of people with disabilities.

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