DEMAND THAT ELI LILLY AND COMPANY STOP EXPERIMENTING ON ANIMALS TO ENHANCE ITS PROFITS and withdraw the dangerous drug, Olanzapine, from the market.

Eli Lilly and Co's drug Olanzapine has been tested on rats and mice in a horrendous and inhumane fashion . "The drug has demonstrated carcinogenic effects in multiple studies when exposed chronically to female mice and rats, but not male mice and rats. The tumors found were in either the liver or mammary glands of the animals"

Additionally Eli Lilly and Co is guilty of racism. See the case Johnson vs Eli Lilly and Co. Johnson won the case and Eli Lilly and Co had to pay compensation and costs.

Eli Lilly and Co has also been criminally prosecuted for illegally selling a drug, Zyprexa. They were ordered to pay a $1.415 billion penalty.

This company is clearly a threat to only only animals but humans and should be shut down.

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