Bush: Stop Flip-Flopping and Fire Karl Rove

Is this how Karl Rove feels about our national security? President Bush: Fire Karl Rove.
June 2004: When asked if he would fire anyone found responsible for leaking the name of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame to the press, President Bush says "yes."

July 2005: Talk about flip-flops. Now that Bush's right-hand man Karl Rove has been fingered as the secret source, the Bush administration is stonewalling and refusing to answer questions about whether or not he will fire Rove if found to be guilty.

The evidence is mounting that White House advisor Rove may be the secret source who exposed the identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame two years ago in a blatant act of political retaliation for her husband's editorial criticizing the administration's justifications for going to war in Iraq. Rove's own lawyer confirmed to Newsweek magazine that Rove was the secret source named in reporter Matthew Cooper's notes.

It's time to stop the lies and end the cover-up. President Bush, it's time to fire Karl Rove.

Dear President Bush:

In June 2004, you promised to fire anyone found responsible for leaking the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame to the press. Such a leak is a serious breach of national security and possibly a felony.

The evidence is mounting and the case is becoming increasingly clear: the person responsible for this outrageous leak is your own advisor, Karl Rove.

Mr. President, I urge you, in the name of national security, to keep your promise and fire Karl Rove.


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