Stop the Kangaroo Cull!

Australia's military has just begun killing kangaroos at the Belconnen Naval Transmission Station, a decommissioned military base, to protect the land on the baser from overgrazing. The Australian government refused to relocate the animals, claiming the cost was too high, even though activists estimate the 600 kangaroos at the base could be relocated for much less.

The military plans to kill 400 kangaroos in the coming days - at least 70 kangaroos have already been rounded up and killed, including mothers and their joeys. Sign this petition to tell Australia's government to immediately halt this kangaroo cull. Your signature will be delivered via email to Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon. Learn more and watch video.
Dear Defence Minister Fitzgibbon:

I am deeply disturbed by the Australian military's senseless killing of kangaroos at Belconnen Naval Transmission Station. I urge you to immediately halt this kangaroo cull and lift the ban on export of these kangaroos so that wildlife rescue organizations can translocate the kangaroos to a suitable environment off of the base.
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