Stop using animals as throwaway prizes!

Animals can still legally be won as a prize in England. This means someone can take home a pet without any planning or preparation, which ultimately leads to neglect and suffering for many innocent animals. Please sign this petition to demand that Defra follow the lead of Scotland and Wales, and ban the use of animals as prizes in England.

With the RSPCA having collected and rescued 118,994 unwanted or abused animals in the last year, there are clearly too many animals ending up with owners who cannot care for them. We need to promote responsible pet ownership and ensure animals only go to homes with adequate resources and the ability to offer a happy, healthy life. This means not treating animals as toys, or throwaway prizes. 

The use of pets as prizes has been banned in Scotland and Wales, and individual English councils have cracked down on it, but England is still behind in dealing with the issue. It's time to demand that Defra take action. If enough people sign, we can send a clear message that we want responsible pet sales in the UK, and that this animal-loving nation doesn't want animals being handed out as casual prizes.

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