All too often cats, dogs, kittens and puppies are facing euthanasia. WHY?? Because desexing costs ar

  • av: Dianne Turner
  • mottagare: State and Federal Governments. RSPCA and vets!

Lower desexing costa for pets and help end the perpetual parade of otherwise healthy animals being put to death all because of indiscriminate breeding by people who often cannot afford the astronomical desexing fees being charged. STOP THE DEATH MARCH!!!

If like me your'e fed p with the  knowledge that innocent cats, dogs, kittens and puppies being put down, this is YOUR chance to letc counculs,  Governments, the RSPCA and vets know..THE DEATHS of innocent animals must stop NOW!

By reducing desexing fees more people could have their pets desexed and hekp end the endless stream of beautiful, innocent animals facing a certain death sentence.

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