Stop buying products containing PALM OIL. Demand Borneo, Sumatra, Indonesia and Malasia to STOP the MASS MURDER of Primates and the DE-FOESTATION of the Rain Forest

  • av: Loring Wells
  • mottagare: Governmment leaders of Borneo, Sumatra, Indonesia and Malasia, and the United States.
It is obvious the de-forestation of the Rain Forest is impacting the weather/climate GLOBALLY - it is because GLOBALLY Palm oil has become a fast growing commodity and economic boost for these countries who apparently not only have no forsight or the where with all to realize or care - they are destroying the ONLY RAIN FORESTS we have! AND systematically annihilating an entire species.
It appears genocide of the primates living within the remaining forests has become acceptable practice.
As a UNITED PLANET we should demand these governments to stop allowing this behavior of mass murder and destruction to STOP.
And, we should demand that the U.S. Government stop turning a blind eye to all of this as well and says enough! STOP this blind and short sighted approach to boosting economic growth within the coutries.

Here is the lastest in many articles circulating the web right now!
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