• av: Jill Manzoni
  • mottagare: James D. Humphrey, Judge, Ohio Circuit Court
Families are being abused by the very system which was put into place to protect them. Learn how we can maintain a checks and balance system to control CPS Family Abuse. Help protect the children and families who can not protect themselves.

Families are being abused by the very system which was put into place to protect them. Learn how we can maintain a checks and balance system to control CPS Family Abuse. Help protect the children and families who can not protect themselves.

We, the undersigned, are against child abuse and neglect and believe our children should be protected.

However, there are increased numbers of false allegations of abuse and/or neglect being lodged against good, fit, caring mothers and children are being unjustly removed from their custody and placed in the Foster Care system. Anyone with a grudge such as a bitter ex-spouse, an angry neighbor or even a bitter child, can make a false allegation of abuse/neglect to Child Protective Services (CPS), with no fear of reprisal under our current laws.

Single, widowed, or low-income mothers are "soft targets" as they cannot afford to privately retain good legal representation to adequately defend them against these false allegations and are often legally underserved by public defenders. Homes are broken up, families destroyed, and children are placed in the foster care system where statistics indicate children are ten times more likely to be at risk of abuse than in their natural family homes.

There is an increase in abusive spouses who are using CPS as a weapon in child custody wars by lodging false allegations of abuse/neglect about their former spouses (victims) to CPS in order to gain custody of the children to "punish" their former victims, to negate their financial obligations, and/or to coerce their former victims into returning to the batterer in order to be able to be with their children.

Also on the rise are the cases of disgruntled neighbors looking to “get rid of” families who they do not like or want around them. They can make anonymous phone calls with no repercussions to their actions.

The social service agencies that take these children are corrupt and unjust in their dealings with families. Constitutional violations and denials of due process are common. There are financial incentives for taking the children into foster care for the state and children are being taken unjustly on false, or trivial and exaggerated allegations.

Numerous cases throughout the United States there have been cases where the natural parent reached out to the Family Services for counseling or help for their children, only to have their concerns and words turned against them in the courts.
Such as the case of a mother who needed help with her son who is ADHD, and had become abusive to his sibling and others, and a danger to himself. The mother repeatedly begged the Family Services in her area for this help. Instead, the child was taken from his home and placed in foster care. The mother, a widow and on Widow’s benefits, had her income taken as well as her child’s Survival benefits also. This has left the mother and her other child near homeless and without a way to make a living. The only proof that this was warranted came from anonymous phone calls, and those who wished to see harm come to her family.

The children who are being unjustly, unnecessarily, and severely traumatized by being taken and placed in the foster care system and subjected to abuse again by being placed with their abusive parents are not just someone else's problem. These children, if they survive, are our future will be members of our society and will have an impact on our society, and we will have to deal with these children in the future.

Victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse may contact their local Legal Services, if they become aware of that agency, only to find that legal representation will not be provided for issues involving custody, visitation, or child support.

An extremely good solution to some of these problems and for the protection of children is through PREVENTION. Clearly funding must be allocated to legal service agencies to provide good legal representation for low income persons for matters of child custody, visitation, and child support disputes, particularly in cases where Domestic Violence and Abuse are involved and extremely good legal services are a necessity for false allegations of child abuse/neglect.

Our social services agencies must begin to be held accountable, and the practice of violating any person's constitutional rights and ignoring family preservation measures must end.

There must be justice done to the people who took our children away from us in the first place, and have the accuser investigated thoroughly, before a child is taken out of his or her home. Those of us who are truly innocent deserve justice also. Many of the accused have a great deal and continue to do so. We are the ones who brought our precious children into this world, protected them from harms way, only to be abused by an uncaring group in the bureaucratic system.

We The People of the United States Of America declare all child abuse to be a criminal act; and whereas we find the Department of Human Resources and Child Protective Services is a federally funded service agency that destroys families and serves to remove children from their family body without Due Process of Law, by ambitious and self serving allegations, obscurement of facts behind the laws of confidentiality, for the benefit of federal and state funding streams, and receiving bonuses and bounties without charging anyone with a crime. Therefore, for the protection of Children and Families from abuse should be enacted a Constitutional Amendment by creating a new section to be added to and made part of The Constitution Of The United States Of America:

(a) It is hereby declared any and all abuse warranting the removal of children from their Family Body must be no less than a Crime. Therefore, for the Protection of Families and Children from abuse it is mandated the states, shall not remove a child from the custody of a Parent or Guardian of Kin because of child abuse unless they can establish that there is probable cause to believe that the Parent or Guardian of Kin has committed a crime and charges the Parent or Guardian of Kin with that crime.
(b) They shall obtain Lawful arrest and search warrants prior to removing a child from the custody of the Parent or Guardian of Kin and shall present affidavit of probable cause and Lawful petition, All documents, tapes, or other evidence will be disclosed at the first hearing, to all Parties.
(c) Further, all hearings shall be by jury and consist of a minimum of (6) six people selected from the general populous for the Protection of Families and Children from abuse, the only crimes for which a child may be removed from the custody of the parent or guardian of kin.
(d) Sexual abuse, to be verified by evidence by sworn statement of the attending physician. Any interview of the alleged victim to be done by a person of the opposite gender of the accused and having no knowledge of the person accused. All interviews shall be video taped and such tape to be certified and presented to the court.
(e) Beating a child, or Torture other than spanking applied to the buttocks in a noninjurious manner, and must be verified by medical evidence by sworn statement of attending physician, the seriousness of injury to be decided by the jury or stipulation.
(f) Unconscionable failure to provide a healthy environment ie: food, and medical care must be verified by medical evidence by sworn statement of attending physician. Failure to provide clothing or shelter. It must be documented that clothes and shelter were available and offered but was refused by parent or guardian of kin.
(g) Mental abuse being described as verbal abuse which degrades, the child, to the extent of excess which would retard the child's normal development or other so as to cause the child to show excessive anger and violent behavior beyond normal development.
(h) We declare a Child to be an integral part of a Family and when removed from the Family Body the Child has been abused by either the one alleged to have abused the child, or by an over-zealous, careless or renegade agent, of the state(s) or territories, hiding behind, or obscured by, laws of confidentiality.
(i) Therefore, the crimes so identified shall be the only reasons tolerated or authorized, by the People of The United States Of America, and it's Territories, for removal of children from the love, care, custody and ward ship of Parents or Guardian of Kin, excepting those cases of voluntary placement of children with child protective services for reasons of health, care or welfare. A placement of this nature is to be considered temporary, the return in open court, and only credible evidence shall be allowed, with the burden of proof resting on the agency, and the state(s). It is mandated confidentiality laws NOT WITHSTANDING, for the protection of families from state abuse.
(j) All Rights of Due Process, for both the accused and the alleged abused child, shall be maintained and both must be made to fully understand their Right to remain silent and leave questions unanswered. Plea bargains shall not be offered nor accepted nor shall a child be badgered or cajoled into testimony. All charges must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. For the protection of families and children from abuse.
(k) Where a conviction by Jury of criminal abuse has been rendered the abuser shall be removed from the family body, by imprisonment if necessary, and the remainder of the family shall be left intact. In cases where the parents or guardian has deceased, a temporary guardian may be appointed by the court while all reasonable effort is made to return the child to the guardianship of his kin. This effort is to be vigorous and thorough for the protection of families and children from abuse and destruction.
(l) The severing of children from their family body must be for provable cause with "Lawful" arrest and search warrants in hand. The Lawful due process of the accused shall be protected. If the Agency, or state(s), or territories fails to obtain a verdict of guilty the children shall be returned to parental or guardian of kin custody immediately. Interim guardianship is to be determined by the children's kin or clan or family friends of long standing, in the best interests of family, and such guardian shall not be a stranger to the children, and it is further declared by we the people, that without a conviction of criminal abuse against the child the best interests of family are the best interests of children. For the protection of families and children from state abuse. Further, the burden of proof for such criminal conduct and charges ensuing shall rest upon the State, or Territory, and agencies of the state, or territory, and all authorities responsible for the initial removal of said children from the home, care, love and ward ship of their parents or guardians of kin. For the protection of families and children from abuse.
(m) The severing of family body by authorities of the state, or territory, shall be deemed to be kidnapping by those removing the children, if done maliciously, for profit, for profit to the state, or territory, for personal gain, for personal agenda or for state agenda. False reporting by any person, private or official is mandated to be a felony bearing a mandatory minimal sentence of a year in prison, and a maximum of (5) years, and/or a fine of not less than $1000 dollars or both, for each offense. We hereby demand accountability from both the accused and the accuser for protection of children and families from abuse.
(n) Also deemed shall be restitution of financial losses to income or outward expenses in order to vindicate themselves or their families of such abuse. This shall go forward from the date the child/children were removed from their homes.
(o) An unedited, certified, videotape of all proceedings, including any and all interviews with the accused or the accuser, shall be furnished to the parents or guardian of kin, without purchase, for the defense of the family in the Court of Appeals and to prove and protect the veracity and integrity of the court and the child protection agency. For the protection of families and children from abuse.
(p) We the people of the United States of America mandate all funding for agencies be routed through control by the state, or territory Legislature and we forbid any agency of the state or territory to receive funding from any government except the Legislature of the state, or territory. We further forbid the Legislature to release funds for any action by any agency that is Unlawful, or without due process of Law.

The Department of Children and Family Services was set up to protect the children who were being abused at the hands of an adult. The Department of Children and Family Services was to stand in "the gap" between children and any harm that may happen to them. As with most things in life, there comes a time when those who are in any type of power began to corrupt it. The decent and moral employees of the Department of Children and Family Services are being pushed to the side and the immoral employees with hidden agendas have rose to take their place as the head of the Department of Children and Family Services. Instead of helping to keep families together, The Department of Children and Family Services is now working on breaking up families at the expense of the very same children who they have been put in charge of protecting.

Please let us know how you can help us to protect our children.

Please sign the petition so we may also help others who are being abused by this system of injustice.

Thank you.
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