Tell World Leaders: Prioritize children's lives! End deadly hunger for good.

Severe acute malnutrition kills up to two million children under the age of five each year. Nyankir was nearly one of those children.

The little girl was so malnourished she had no strength to swallow and could barely blink her eyes. Her parents carried her for eight hours in the scorching heat to reach an Action Against Hunger nutrition center in South Sudan, arriving exhausted and in shock.

Nyankir received emergency treatment to rehydrate her and was admitted for intensive, inpatient treatment and monitoring. Finally, her little body began to respond to the treatments. What could have been a devastating situation turned into one of relief and joy. Now Nyankir grows healthier by the day.

As the world's hunger specialists, Action Against Hunger has proven treatments to save the lives of malnourished children -- in fact, 90 percent of children who complete treatment are cured. For 40 years, we have been dedicated to a single mission: to find the best solutions to hunger and malnutrition. We aim to double the number of children treated for acute malnutrition to six million children a year by 2020. Will you join our fight?

Add your name to demand world leaders do more to save children's lives. Together we can end hunger for good.

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