Sign Up to Help Chimp Haven Bring Former Research Chimps Home to Sanctuary!

At Chimp Haven, chimps retired from biomedical research get to experience the joys they would have enjoyed in the wild: climbing trees, living in large, bonded social groups, eating their favorite fruits, running, playing, exploring, and — best of all — choosing how they spend their days. 

But there are still many chimps who are waiting in research facilities for their chance to come to Chimp Haven and live out their days lounging in the sun, enjoying grooming sessions with their besties, and living their best chimp life.

We want them to experience all the joys of sanctuary, just like Marcus, who came to Chimp Haven from a research facility in Texas, where he spent his entire life (28 years). We have set an ambitious goal to re-home more chimps who are waiting in research facilities by the end of 2021.

Please join us at this pivotal moment by pledging your support to bring home more chimps just like Marcus who are still waiting for their chance to come to sanctuary. By signing this pledge, you'll learn more about these former research chimps and how you can help. With your support, we can finally bring them all home.

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