End the killing of pets in shelters by 2025

Together, we have the chance to make history: We can ensure a bright future for every pet and bring the entire country to no-kill.

Best Friends Animal Society has always believed that all animals deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. And thanks to people like you, that outlook has spread. Still, around 378,000 dogs and cats were killed in America's shelters last year — one every 90 seconds — simply because they didn't have a safe place to call home. So Best Friends set a bold goal to end the killing nationwide by 2025. Working collaboratively with shelters, animal welfare organizations, and caring people like you, we can make it happen.

Join us. Pledge to save lives by supporting your local shelter and Best Friends' lifesaving work around the nation.

Together, we can achieve no-kill across the country by 2025. Together, we will Save Them All.
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