Kick out the Republicans who heckled Biden at the State of the Union

President Biden delivered a great State of the Union address this week – even as he was heckled by several of the looniest Republicans in Congress.

These Republicans, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, had absolutely zero respect or decorum as they shouted and jeered at President Biden on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Even Kevin McCarthy told Republicans before the speech to act in line with the congressional "code of ethics" – which they clearly did not. Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries suggested that these Republicans are unfit to serve in Congress – and we couldn't agree more! At the very least, they must be disciplined for their awful behavior, or this is just going to get worse and worse.

Add your name to demand the Republicans who heckled Biden at the State of the Union be kicked out of Congress, or at least punished! >> 

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