Stop Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, From Giving Away Elephants To Be Forced Into Slavery

Cabinet has granted approval to hand over some elephants at the Pinnawala elephant orphanage to individuals and religious places of worship.
The approval was granted on a proposal made by Minister of Sustainable Development and Wildlife Gamini Jayawickrama Perera. His reason, overcrowding.
Giving these abused elephants to the villagers and such places as Religious Temples, is a life sentence of brutal abuse, cruelty and torture.
These elephants as all the elephants at Pinnawala Orphanage are abused animals as well documented.
Please sign this petition asking for the orphanage be shut down entirely.
We demand these elephants be released to an accredited Elephant Santuary in India. This is the humane way to care for elephants. Not to send them to a continued life of hell.
Please sign and share this petition widely. Thank you.
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