Stop hurting innocent bunnies for an Easter marketing ploy!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Sharjah Bird and Animal Market

An animal market in the United Arab Emirates is dyeing bunnies pastel colors and mistreating them to interest people in buying them as Easter gifts. But one investigation found that 80% of bunnies bought as Easter gifts are later abandoned on the street!

Dr. Jaworski, a veterinarian of the local Advanced Pet Care Clinic, saw theses dyed animals on a trip to the market and said it was "absolutely unacceptable" and that the bunnies had scabies on their eyes, ears and between their paws.

Founder of Helping Hands for Small Paws, Daniella, said the picture reveals "a number of horrors" including the potentially toxic colouring, probable dehydration, cleanliness issues and caging that could cause broken toes and exposure to weather.

The Sharjah Bird and Animal Market in the United Arab Emirates has used this gimmick before, in 2011, on chicks. 

Now, only days before Easter, it's our last chance to tell Sharjah market to cut it out! Add your signature to this petition to tell the Sharjah market to quit dyeing bunnies and care for them properly!

An animal market in the United Arab Emirates is dyeing bunnies pastel colors and mistreating them to interest people in buying them as Easter gifts. But one investigation found that 80% of bunnies bought as Easter gifts are later abandoned on the street!

Dr. Jaworski, a veterinarian of the local Advanced Pet Care Clinic, saw these dyed animals on a trip to the market and said it was "absolutely unacceptable" and that the bunnies had scabies on their eyes, ears and between their paws.

Founder of Helping Hands for Small Paws, Daniella, said the picture reveals "a number of horrors" including the potentially toxic colouring, probable dehydration, cleanliness issues and caging that could cause broken toes and exposure to weather.

The Sharjah Bird and Animal Market in the United Arab Emirates has used this gimmick before, in 2011, on chicks. 

Stop exploiting bunnies in your Easter gimmick!

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