Stand With Vulnerable Seniors Across America

Will you take one minute to help America's most vulnerable seniors?

Actually, it won't even take that long for you to help seniors who are right now going without food or the medicine they need.

Simply signing your name will give hope to seniors struggling to make ends meet, maintain their independence, and live with dignity.

At this very moment...

- Nearly 9 million American seniors are going hungry;
- Health care costs are unaffordable for almost half of poor and low-income older adults; and,
- Declining health, disability or the loss of a spouse is forcing more and more older Americans into isolation.
Real people are suffering more than any person of any age should.

Our parents and grandparents, neighbors and coworkers, perhaps members of your own family or close friends could well be - or soon be - one of America's most vulnerable seniors.

On their behalf, join with AARP Foundation and sign the Affirmation of Senior Rights today.
The Affirmation of Senior Rights

As a proud member of AARP, I hereby affirm that every American senior should be guaranteed basic rights, including:

Freedom from Hunger so no senior goes without enough food or is forced into the impossible decision of choosing between buying groceries and paying for needed prescriptions or medical care.

Income Security for 50+ working families caught in a downward spiral due to job loss, increasing debt and disappearing savings.

Adequate Housing for poor and low-income older adults at risk of losing their homes and those unable to afford housing that meets their physical and safety needs.

Freedom from Isolation to protect seniors against the devastating impacts of being cut off from their family and social circles -- including higher rates of depression, chronic disease, and premature death.

Moreover, I am doing my part to secure those rights by supporting AARP Foundation's work and helping vulnerable seniors in my community and nationwide.
Signera petitionen
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