Make May 5th National Day of the Midwife

We can strengthen maternal health in Canada - starting by recognizing the contribution of midwives.

More and more Canadians rely on the support and expertise of midwives when deciding to have a family. Despite this, access to midwifery services varies across the country - and in many regions, midwives are hard to find.

Midwives provide safe, cost-effective and community-focused health care for Canadian families - and they deserve our support.

Let's keep working to educate Canadian families about their options, and improve maternal health care. Take action now to make May 5th National Day of the Midwife.
We the undersigned residents of Canada note the following:

* Midwives and midwifery services are a vital part of the maternity care system in Canada;

* Midwives provide safe, accessible and cost-effective services and quality health care;

* Midwives ensure a continuum of essential care throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond for the health and welfare of mothers, newborns and infants

* Midwives are key to decreasing infant mortality and morbidity across Canada, including in rural or remote areas, and in Aboriginal communities;

* Declaring May 5th as National Day of the Midwife will increase public awareness of midwives' contribution to maternal, newborn and infant care and welfare.

Therefore, we call on the Government of Canada to designate the 5th day of May each year as National Day of the Midwife.
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